4 research outputs found

    Integrated Project Support Study Group : findings

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    The challenges of the LHC project have lead CERN to produce a comprehensive set of project management tools covering engineering data management, project scheduling and costing, event management and document management. Each of these tools represents a significant and world-recognised advance in their respective domains. Reviewing the offering on the eve of LHC commissioning one can identify three major challenges: 1. How to integrate the tools to provide a uniform and integrated full-product lifecycle solution 2. How to evolve the functionality in certain areas to address weaknesses identified with our experience in constructing the LHC and integrate emerging industry best practices 3. How to coherently package the offering not just for future projects in CERN, but moreover in the context of providing a centre of excellence for worldwide collaboration in future HEP projects

    A Virtual CAD Model of the LHC

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    Integrating the large and complex LHC machine into the existing LEP tunnel is a major challenge. Space was not really a problem to fit the LEP machine into its tunnel, but LHC cryostats are much larger than the LEP quadrupoles and the external cryogenic line fills even more the tunnel. Space problems lead to small clearances. Possible conflicts, or at least the most penalising ones, between installed equipment or with transport, must be solved beforehand in order to avoid unacceptable delays and extra costs during the installation. Experience gained with LEP has already shown the help that Computer-Aided Engineering tools could provide for the integration. A virtual model of the LHC is presently prepared. The actual LEP tunnel, known with a quite good accuracy (centimetre level), has been modelled and all the elements of the machine constructed as 3D objects with the CAD system are positioned accurately on the basis of data generated from the theoretical definition. These layouts are used to generate the reference sections and to check the clearances. Examples of this powerful approach applied to engineering for accelerators are given

    Integration of CATIA/Smarteam into CERN's corporate engineering data management system

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    We present a short overview of the strategy defined to integrate the 3D CAD system CATIA/Smarteam into CERN's corporate Engineering and Equipment Data Management System (EDMS), which is used to manage the information about the Laboratory's installations and technical infrastructure. A brief description of the existing EDMS architecture is given, describing the available project life cycle management features, including CATIA/Smarteam. An overview of the design office requirements on the new CAD system is also presented